Find Male Therapists in Brooklyn, NY

When considering therapy, some people prefer a therapist of a certain gender. While female or nonbinary therapists can provide excellent care, you may prefer a male therapist for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you had a positive experience with a male therapist in the past, or you may feel that you would be able to relate to a male therapist more easily. Whatever the reason, it is important to find a therapist that you feel comfortable with. After all, therapy is only effective if you are able to share your thoughts and feelings openly. If you are considering therapy, take the time to find a therapist you feel comfortable with and believe can help you reach your goals.

Benefits of working with a male therapist in Brooklyn

It may be difficult to understand why you prefer a male therapist, but here are some reasons people prefer male counselors:

Identify and Relate 

It's important to feel that your therapist can understand and relate to your experiences, regardless of your gender identity. For many people, a male therapist may be someone they can identify and relate to. A male therapist may be able to provide a different perspective and may be able to offer a different level of understanding. It's important to feel comfortable and open with your therapist and to feel that they can understand your experiences. If you don't feel comfortable with your therapist, it may be difficult to open up and discuss the issues that are important to you.


Trust is an important part of therapy, and it may be easier for you to trust a male therapist. For example, if you have had positive experiences with male authority figures in the past, you may be more likely to trust a male therapist. Trust is critical for the vulnerability that is necessary for growth in therapy. Further, if you don't trust your therapist, you may hold back important information or may not be as open and honest as you otherwise could be.

Different perspective

Male counselors can provide a unique and valuable perspective. They may also provide a better understanding of the social and cultural pressures that their clients are under.

William Hagee, Male Therapist at Groundwork TherapY

William is a psychotherapist at Groundwork Therapy with experience providing short and long-term therapy to adolescents, adults, and couples. He has a particular interest in emotional regulation, anxiety, and depression, sex and sexual identity, recent or resurfacing trauma, and life transitions. He has extensive experience working with clients around issues of intimate/relational aggression and other forms of acting out, as well as sexual and non-sexual trauma, internalized stigma, and pressured masculinity. William believes in honoring a client’s authentic experience in regards to culture, race, ethnicity, neurodiversity, gender identity, sexuality, and faith. He strives to approach each client with cultural humility and transparency in learning. His top priority is to create a safe and warm therapeutic space that is racially and politically aware, LGBTQ-affirming, spiritually mindful, and sex-positive. 

If you are seeking therapy in Brooklyn, William may be a good option for you. He understands the unique challenges that his clients face and is committed to providing quality care. Click here to learn more about William.

Interested in scheduling a session with William? Contact us online.

Groundwork Therapy Male Therapist in Brooklyn, NY

Looking for a male therapist near Brooklyn, NY? Contact Groundwork Therapy today. Our office is located at 1000 Dean St. Suite 226 Brooklyn, NY 11238

We welcome individuals of all genders, sexualities, and cultural backgrounds.